Monthly Support


This monthly support may include: lunch bags, medical service, haircuts, shoes for school, hygiene products, clothing, dinner meals, and summer programs. We accept donations from 50 to 100 dollars. When you donate through our PayPal you can specify where it is going towards. 


Volunteer Monthly Support



Here at listening heart's ministry we are full time volunteers. That means we do not receive a salary. It’s truly from our hearts. In order to keep Listening Hearts Children’s Outreach Ministry going we need monthly support to help us get through. You can donate to specific volunteers. We need monthly financial support for hygiene products, housing, food, and transportation. We live in Mexico making it difficult for us to get food and supplies. If you would like to give monthly support just click on the donate button at the bottom of the page or if you want to give monthly support to a specific volunteer just go to the volunteer page and click on the donate button underneath their description. 


Thank You,


-Listening Hearts Staff